Every employer has a duty of care towards their employees in providing and maintaining a safe working environment and conditions in which every employee can safely execute the obligations of the terms of their employment. This duty on employers is not restricted to industrial factories where physical risk of harm may be increased, but to shopfloors, offices and any place of employment and includes the duty of prevention of bullying or harassment of any employee within the workforce. A workplace accident can have devastating consequences not alone on your physical ability to work and enjoy life, but on your family finances if you find yourself unable to continue to work as a result of an accident.
If you believe you have suffered an injury in your place of work or resulting from your working conditions, or if you are an Employer who may be facing a claim for personal injury from or on behalf of an employee, John J. Quinn and Co. have an experienced team who can give you sound advice in the first instance as to whether you, or your employee in the case of an Employer, has a stateable claim and thereafter, the steps you need to take from start to conclusion, to protect your interests in all cases. We can also advise employers on the provisions and obligations of Health and Safety legislation and your duties thereunder as an Employer, and thereby hopefully proactively, preventing as far as possible, an accident before it happens and the disruption to the workforce on the part of both employer and employee consequent upon same.

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